viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Post 3: A country I'd like visit

Why does all the chilean people hates Peru and Bolivia"  why, if there's so beautiful"   why, if they are so rich on culture" ? I just don’t know. But I consider that our neighbouring countries are the best!
For example: Machu Pichu is in Peru, a millenarian Inca city! The Nazca lines are pictures wich are seen from the sky and they represent animals like monkeys, spiders, hummingbirds and others. Sacsayhuamán is a fortress that surrounds Cusco city, built it for gigantic stones of more 50 tones... how they got there is a mystery. 
Tihuanaco City is at Bolivia , it is the oldest city of Altiplano with more than 3000 years old, is the Inca Way, is the “Puerta del Sol”, is the Rico Hill in Potosi; it’s a mining city and its hill is taken gold and tin by over 500 years, is the political capital of Bolivia: Sucre, is very beautiful because is all white colour and also is Cochabamba and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, wich are very modern and tropical cities. I know all this because my father traveled to these countries.

I would work there, but A little time, just to know the culture... 1 year is sufficed for me. Live, no. Just Travel and work... Or Vacations! Hahahahha
Well... I hope to know Peru and Bolivia before of the end of world.

Post 2: TV and Movies

Hi my followers! In this opportunity I'll tell you about the "stupid box": the TV and the cinema.
Sometime I went to cinema but it’s so expensive! So I started to rent films in Blockbuster. You knew that cost is just $700? Yes! But only on Tuesday. So I lease a film once a week. And not because I love the law, is because I haven’t computer!
If I would have a computer I could watch, everyday, my favourite film: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Is a love story and a little psychology because it inside in the mind of a couple. The boy is Jim Carrey (The Mask) and the girl is Kate Winslet (Titanic), and the two have been erased of their minds (through technology) the remembrance of them and their love. The problem is that their minds don’t want and against it. I love the plot, the photography, the music, the actors... all is very well done. I recommended it absolutely because it makes you feel the angst and happiness, the emotions, of characters.
About Chilean TV, in general, I considered (except a few programs) sucks because is superfluous, vain, stupid, vulgar and overcoat because it obeys to Private Interests and not Public.    

If they made a film of my life?! Really I don’t know. Absolutely would not be Hollywood film because it would have a serious deficit of Romance and Action and the characters not would be like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It would be an Indie Film nearby to comedy.
The End
Rating: 5 Stars! 

Post 1: How you feel studying in summer/christmas time..

How I feel? How-I-Feel? Baaad, very very bad!! Why? Because isn't easy, but we (The University of Chile's Student) confront the scenario with a smile in the face because it is a consequence of our decisions and we are adults and are responsible, and are consistent and... And it is very hot :(
I'm from Quellòn-Chiloè, a place very cold and quiet, complete different from Stgo and for me, this difference, is hard, specially the weather... Study, Read, Concentrate, Travel, Speak and all with 33º c of temperature is just maddening. 
Besides, the most terrible is the festivities. I have to travel to my city… and isn’t an easy work because I have to spend much money and time… that I have not. Then I would have borrowing, hitchhiking (auto-stop), lose study time, etc.
So… this is the reality and I assume. :D

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

The travel to Chilhue :)

Hi my followers!
This picture was takenfor my sister Marlene or maybe Pamela and is from February this year when my friends Luz and Jethro traveled to Chiloé, where I live… or lived, for see me and know my land.
To get to this image my poor friends had to travel ¡22 hours! by bus from Santiago to Quellón, where is my home (say they will not return unless it is in plane). A day after they arrival, whit my sisters and a friend, we went to an island called "Coldita", south of Quellón. It is a beautiful place, rural and quiet, perfect to  recess in our life. Back in Quellón we went to see various bands like “Juana Fe” “La Cubanacan” “Maria Jimena Pereira” and “Los Vasquez”.
The exact place where was taken is called Dalcahue, and there was filmed the TV series "La Fiera" in 1998, I believe… There were 2 days and we stayed in the house of a mother’s friend, went to see a concert of “Garras de Amor” Jajajja Luz and Jethro knew all songs! All!! I was PLOP! I only knew “Gotitas de lluvia”… well, was  free.
All that for me it is normal but for them was new, exotic an strange. The gays ate various exotic foods, for them exotic, like Curanto, Milcaos, Centollas, Tortillas de papa, Chochoca among other things, and if here, in Santiago, to them to grace my speech, beyond almost die! The “Chilote” emphasis to them had really complicated, they wanted to laugh all the time!
I like this picture because it reminds me of those funny and cute moments that live there, in my homeland whit my family, my friends, my green landscape, my fresh air and my calm sea.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

My Musical Experience

Hi my followers!
In this used, I will tell about of time than I went to the Mago de Oz’ recital in 2003 I was only 13 years old!! I was a little girl…
Mago de Oz is my favorite band and is Spanish band of folk metal than I met through my older sisters in 2001 and His most famous song is "La fiesta pagana"
Mago de Oz’s music is very special, isn’t heavy metal, is folk metal, they combine many instruments and styles.
The thing is I in the seventh year, with 13 years, I lived in Quellón with my mother and my sisters invited me to the concert that was here, in Santiago.
I accepted immediately! But my mom not gives me permission L so… my dad told with her and… my mom forced him to join us.
The recital was wonderful, amazing, magnificent, gorgeous, dreamy, divine… all!!!
The ‘heavy metal’ ran through my veins!! Ahahahahahhaha
We were in “cancha”… to die! Was filled of metal guys and at the beginning I had a little of fear, but after I was fascinated! All they were so cute!!!! I love metal guys!
Mago de Oz’s music is very special, isn’t heavy metal, is folk metal, they combine many instruments and styles.
The end of the concert my dad was waiting for us and that night we became to our homes.
This is all for today :)

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Gladys Marin

She was a Chilean activist and political figure. She was born in Curepto, 1941. She, as a child, became interested in social issues, and in her youth she joined the "JJ.CC.while she was studying at the Escuela Normalista. Then she was elected President of the “Federación de Estudiantes NormalistasQuickly, she moved into his political career. She was a youth leader, general secretary of the JJ.CC. and deputy (reelected).          
In 1961 she married Jorge Muñoz Poutays, a mining engineer, with whom she has two children. Since the coup d'etat of 1973 she was forced to go underground. In Costa Rica she learns that her husband disappears. She returns in 1978 and in 1984 assumed the Secretary of the Communist Party in1994 she assumed the top job: Secretary General. She, in 1998, filed the first lawsuit against the dictator Augusto Pinochet for the disappearance of her husband. The following year she was nominated for the Presidency of the Republic, being defeated. She dies,  2006, in Santiago, because to a brain tumor.

Her job was to work to modify the statutes of the Escuela Normal. She teaches at various schools in delivering social risk to children all their knowledge. she prompted many initiatives, such as building playgrounds in many cities, sports, places to walk or dance.

I admire Gladys Marin because sympathize with Vietnam, fought the civil war and fascism and mobilize the youth for it. Especially for being a strong woman, determined, who dreamed of a world more just and equal, and because she was not afraid to try to realize this ideal. =D

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

My "Fiesta Mechona"

Hi my followers! The today’s post is about famous “Fiesta Mechona 2011”. It was in this March 31, in an adapted house of Santiago town.
I went with my best friends Nico and Luz but before we got together at my flat for few drinks with my neighbor.
We went by taxi at the party and down this the street was filled of drunk people! But we didn’t care…
In the party we find to Jethro, our friend and other friends less important jaja. The four danced all night and drunk too.  
The party’s house was very little and it had little oxygen! The ambient was brave, toxic and a few schizophrenic jajaja.
At middle night, Luz, the queen of my generation, had crowned to new queen, but I “helped” Luz to choose.
After we danced, joked and laughed with different classmates and now I’m mechona’s godmother… than I don’t remember her name jaajaj.
To finish all my friend went to my flat to sleep.   -_-
It’s everything! or almost everything… (The uncensured part ask to me)

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Hi! My name is Camila and I'm your host. I hope than you experience I’m my Blog will be great =D. I invite to you to read about me and my thought.
Ok, I'm 20 years old, I'm from Quellon-Chiloé but now I'm living in Santiago Town in a flat near Santa Lucia Hill.  I'm study Public Administration and Politic Sciences at the prestigious University of Chile, in second year.
This is all for today.